When we got home from Camp Christmas Scott's mom, dad, and brother David were at our house. We opened presents from them that night. Uncle David has been in South Korea for the past 2 years so he brought back lots of fun presents from there. Sunday we went to church then had Christmas lunch with all of the above and more aunts and uncles and cousins from Scott's mom's side of the family. Then yesterday the boys (Scott, David, their dad) went to see Avatar, and when they got home Mama Jean, Margaret, and I went to see The Blind Side and then out to dinner.
On the 26th the entire family was there, and we had a big gift exchange. The great-grandkids chose names, and the adults had a nice white elephant exchange. By nice I mean nicely newly bought gifts. I came home with a nice necklace and earrings set, and Scot came home with an i-tunes giftcard and chocolate. Later we had a normal big huge Christmas Day feast for lunner/linner/dunch/dinch whatever you want to call it.
Christmas Day we went for another hike Christmas Day. We drove to a spot, then hiked down to the suspension bridge, then back up, then down to the falls (Piney Creek Falls i think)