About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Monday, January 7, 2008


This is where the guys hung out most nights. Will hated it the first night and didn't last 5 minutes. (It was too cold and dark). But we tried again 2 nights later (with flashlights) and he and Kaden had a blast. They were probably out there for an hour.
This next pic was taken right before Kaden fell off the bench for the first time.

So on the first night Matt drove his truck up into the field and everyone freaked out because they saw all these eyes in the woods. (click on these pics to make them bigger so you can see) There were hundreds of them. And they look pretty real. Upon closer investigation it was realized that they were nothing more than thumbtacks that some youth minister probably put in the trees to scare his youth group before a weekend retreat. pretty funny. Will loved to go shine his flashlight on them to see the "red eyes" or "foxes" as he called them.

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