About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Birthday Boy

Today is Will's 3rd birthday. Crazy. Crazy that my son is already 3 years old, crazy that I have now been gone from Caspers Company for 3 years, crazy that my daughter is almost 15 months old, and crazy that we are moving in less than 10 weeks. We made his last birthday here a hoorah (is that a real word? i hear it in my head, but i can't see it in writing, so i'm either totally making it up, or i just really don't know how to spell it). We started the day by bringing him krispy kreme doughnuts on a tray. he got apple juice for breakfast instead of milk, which made him incredibly happy. then we threw a bunch of presents on him. McDonald's happy meal toys - i bought the entire hummer set on ebay. and the seller threw in the tmnturtles set as well. we kept 2 of those and wrapped them, and we will put the rest in the pinata for his party. he was very happy when he opened the first hummer. the second he said, another one? with a big smile on his face. the third he said, valerie has this one. the 4th he said, i have this one. and on. he loved every one of them and pretty much hasn't let them out of his sight all day.

then we got dressed and went strawberry picking. me, will, kirstine, gran, aunt pat, valerie, ricky, jordan, nikolle, krystal, and gage. fun times. Will was not the slightest bit interested in the strawberries. i forced him to hold one for a picture, and later to pick one just to say he did. he cried the whole time. he just wanted to play in the dirt with his hummers.

then we went to chuck e cheese's for lunch. had lots of fun there. aunt pat gave him a card with $, and Valerie gave him Bee Bop Band. he loved the drums and walked around like he was his own drum line for 30 minutes.

we came home and took naps. then went outside to play while papa was spraying the yard for mosquitos (i was cleaning and slicing strawberries to freeze to make strawberry shortcae to sell at relay for life next week). uncle matt came over to give him part of his present - a boat (will called it a fairy? then i realized he meant a ferry when mom said that clifford sometimes rides in a ferry), an airplane, and maximum destruction. max d was the monster truck that matt liked when they went, so now everytime will sees him on tv he says, maximum destruction is uncle matt's favorite monster truck!

then we went to ale house for dinner. nothing too eventful there.

we came home and he played outside a bit and then came in and played with his hummers some more.

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