About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Monday, August 11, 2008


it's been so long. I have been so busy with work, and so not in the mood to go through pictures. so some of this will be very brief...

What's new with Kirstine?
She can walk all the way up the stairs now without ever putting her knees down - she just puts one hand on the wall as she's walking up.
She said her first "sentence" this week: "Ahn bite. Ahn bit uh appuh jew". which means, i want a bite - i want a bite of apple juice.
She got sent to timeout for the first time for being intentionally mean. She kept opening the drawers in the bathroom and Scott had told her no, then told her no again and slapped her hand. so she walked right up to him and pushed him. It was so funny. but obviously bad and she went to timeout for it. but it was still funny.

Nothing too new with Will. He constantly amazes us with the things he knows and remembers. He loves to go to church now (he hated it for so long because he hates wearing long pants, but he knows it's the rule now and doesn't fight it any more). He saw a kid in the hallway last night and they waved and then he was asking us where playton was. and we were like what are you talking about? anyways, Clayton was the boys name, and they had met last sunday night. so they had fun playing together last night.

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