About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Will, the storyteller

The other day Will started telling stories and asked me to write them down as he told them…

1. When your mommy tells you “No”, obey her! And don’t sit in timeout, because if you sit in timeout you disobeyed. And there’s a verse in the bible that says, “Children, obey your parents in the LORD, for this is right.”

2. When babies come out of bellies… “Don’t be bad because if you’re bad you’ll get spankings and go to timeout. And you don’t want to do that!”

3. A little bitty boy asked his mom, and his mom said he could play outside because it was snowing. And he had to put his snow clothes on, and everybody went to play outside. And he said, “Mom.” “What?” “I forgot my snow toys.” “Do you want to get the truck that has a bulldozer shovel on it that scoops up snow?” “Yes, I do want that!” “Do you want the race car that goes around the track and scoops up snow? Do you want your snow truck – it’s a dirtbike that has snow wheels that are thick and they have strong wheels, they never come off? That’s not like a dirtbike but is actually a dirtbike? It’s a ghost rider that didn’t have a front or a back thingy that points out. And it doesn’t have an engine…” (And it went on and on like this but my hand got too tired to write any more down.)

1 comment:

Teresa Stratton said...

Okay, when he tells me stories next week, I'll have to take a tape recorder to bed with me.