About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Cute things my kids did today: We were driving to the mall and will said something that sounded like, "mom i see mikasosky". puzzled for only about a minute until i realized he said, "mom i see mike wazowski" - there is a billboard with him on it (he's the green one-eyed monster from monsters, inc. if you don't know). i cracked up when i realized that's what he said.

Later today he was playing at the foot of his bed and wanted Kirstine to sit with him. there are only blankets and stuffed animals down there. All of a sudden he told me, "Kirstine gotta be careful with my stuff!" as if she could hurt his blankets or something.

And Kirstine just rocks. she's the happiest baby ever. and she does this really funny thing with her right hand now (and ONLY the right one). she holds it out and flips it over back and forth and just stares at it. it's like there's something wrong with it. i don't know, but it's adorable!

My kids are so perfect! Here are some recent pics of them. Isn't her pink outfit just the cutest thing ever? It's like a little hippie outfit.

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