About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Poor Baby

While I was on the computer this morning, Will started crying very loudly, as though he was hurt very badly (and my son doesn't cry when hurt very often - only when being punished!). So I ran in to see what was wrong. He was laying on the couch watching Veggie Tales. When I asked what happened he said, "the lion scared him". after more prodding and talking he told me that he (meaning daniel) had fallen down and got a boo boo, and the lion scared both daniel and will. (he was watching a bible story one about daniel and the lion's den).
How adorable, pathetic, sad, cute, and weird is that? That is just not like Will! But it was really cute. I had to comfort him and reassure him that Daniel was going to be just fine.

Also, I forgot to mention that Kirstine's first tooth broke last week while we were in Tennessee - FINALLY! It took a long time to come through. I guess she was just waiting for it to happen in TN, which is where Will's first tooth broke through as well, although his didn't happen til he was 9 months old!

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