About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dinosaur World

We went to Dinosaur World today. I know, it's what every little girl dreams of doing on her first birthday, right? Here's Will, Kirstine, and Gran with a t-rex
Digging for bones

Happy Birthday, Kirstine!

Today Kirstine turns one. It's weird because nothing special is happening today. Her party is Saturday, so that's when it'll feel like she's 1.

Kirstine's world:
She just started drinking milk, and is so far not very fond of it. She loves to eat! Practically anything you give her. she at a whole banana (plus cereal) for breakfast, cubed up so she fed herself.
She knows how to walk, though she doesn't like it very much. She can stand up on her own in the middle of the room, and does it quite often, but then just sits down. She likes crawling so much better than walking right now. it's a little frustrating.
She's good at imitating noises with your mouth.
She can say mama, dada, bubba, hello, and all done.
She loves to be thrown up in the air, or spun around.
She loves to bonk heads, and then just stair into your eyes, almost touching. It's so adorable. Her other favorite game is like an ET game. You hold out your finger and she holds out hers and then they touch and she cracks up.
She loves to slide.

And i guess that's all i can think of. Happy Birthday, Kirstine!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Videos Finally!!!

I finally figured out how to use our camera, and actually got a 1/2 way decent one of Kirstine walking. Remember that I am the one that had to stand her up and then back up and push record, so it's very shaky, but it works. The first one is a funny one of her crying the other day, but #2 is a walking one. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Our little walker

Even though she took her first steps a week and a half ago, she hasn't really done much more. Tonight she took off, though. The most i saw her do is 9 consecutive steps. YAY!!! It's really happening now. i'm going to try and capture her on my digital camera, and see if i can post video that way. with our video camera we have to load the entire tape onto the computer, which takes a long time! (and a lot of memory). so when i figure that out i'll post it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Will just took off his clothes and brought me his pj's to put back on. These are his green, fleece, snowman ones that were for christmas that he keeps insisting on wearing (even though it's 85 degrees outside). so this time i asked him why he loved them so much, is it because they're comfy or cute? he said, "They're green!"
(Green is his favorite color, and if you ask him if he likes anything, such as a movie, or food, his response is, "I like green. Green's my favorite color!")

We were just discussing the fact that we won't be here for Christmas next year, because we're moving to Birmingham, AL. I was trying to get him to say, "We're moving to Alabama," when he said, "I'm not going to Alabama. You're going by yourself. I'm staying here!" Is someone brainwashing him already? (Gran, maybe?)

Kirstine's Walking!

Well, taking steps anyway. She took her first steps Sunday evening at Gran's house (to me, though). She was standing at that couch facing me and would lean forward and take two steps and then fall. She did this about 4 times before she quit for the evening. She hasn't taken two consecutive steps since, but she is getting better at her one. She now stands for about 10 seconds, takes a step, stands for another 3, then falls. So she's definitely getting stronger. I definitely have hope for her to be walking by her first birthday.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Christmas Eve Day

Christmas with the entire Anderson family. All were in attendance with the exception of cousins Brad and Shanice. (I am counting 41 people). We had a nice brunch, then Christmas dinner, and exchanged presents (we now do a name change). And we also made snow and let the kids play in it, and then Scott made it snow on them.


This is where the guys hung out most nights. Will hated it the first night and didn't last 5 minutes. (It was too cold and dark). But we tried again 2 nights later (with flashlights) and he and Kaden had a blast. They were probably out there for an hour.
This next pic was taken right before Kaden fell off the bench for the first time.

So on the first night Matt drove his truck up into the field and everyone freaked out because they saw all these eyes in the woods. (click on these pics to make them bigger so you can see) There were hundreds of them. And they look pretty real. Upon closer investigation it was realized that they were nothing more than thumbtacks that some youth minister probably put in the trees to scare his youth group before a weekend retreat. pretty funny. Will loved to go shine his flashlight on them to see the "red eyes" or "foxes" as he called them.

The other hiking trip

That I didn't go on.

Fall Creek Falls, TN

Here we are hiking to Fall Creek Falls, TN.
Pic. 3 taken by Faydra, pic. 4 taken by dad (he is no longer allowed to take pictures - the one he took of pic. 2 was so blurry we didn't even know who was in it!)