About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Lots of Cuteness

Will said lots of funny things today. so if i can remember them correctly...

1. The morning began with me working on the computer. Will came in and said, "Mommy, you have a happy face!" I turned around and asked why, and he said, "Because I love you!" I squealed and made him come kiss me and love me and then he said, "ummm, maybe i go Uga in my pants?" (which meant he had!!!!) What a little twirp buttering me up on purpose so i wouldn't be so mad at him for going in his diaper.

2. Michael was outside mowing, and Will would go back and forth between the front and back windows to watch him. He detoured once and went back to the window and said in a really slow, high pitched sad voice, "Oh No! Where did Michael go?.... I have a saaad face. :("

3. When he woke up from his nap we had to go immediately to church for handbell practice. While i was unlocking the doors, he walked out into the grass and said, "Oh No! What did Michael do to my grass?!?" He was not very happy. Papa tells me he was having fun falling down into it last night (it was pretty high)

4. On the way home from handbells he saw a building with bricks on it. The only thing Will knows about bricks is that there are brick roads near Kristen's house, and he loves driving over them. He saw it and told me, "There's a brick house!" So i was going to tell him that Gran and Papa had a brick house too, but i was trying to get him to guess who. So first i asked him who his favorite person in the whole world was, and he told me "those ladies at church last night" - which makes no sense since we didn't go to church last night. so then i asked him whose house he always wants to go to, that he always says to them, "i wanna go to your hay-ouse (his accent)". and he told me, "i can't go to TWO houses, mom! i have to go to gran's house to make a scarecrow!" (we were on our way to pick up pizza to have a pizza party at gran's to make a scarecrow).

anyways, it was a fun day!

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