About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Who's prettier?

We went to our friend Ysabel's house to watch the Gators play yesterday. Yzzie was kind of acting like Will's babysitter. They were sitting on the couch together reading In Touch magazine, looking at the celebrity babies - Yzzie would ask if will thought the girls were pretty (to which he said yes). Then someone suggested he should tell us "Who wore it better" (to those confused, it's something in all those magazines where they put a picture of two different celebrities wearing the same outfit, and then a poll as to who people thought wore it better). Yzzie said, "Who is prettier, her or her?" Will answered with an emphatic "ME!"

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