About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Waving and Talking?

Kirstine started waving "bye bye" yesterday at church. I think she first did it to baby Gage (my cousin Adam's son). She liked him a lot! But she did it a lot today, and she is sometimes waving hi"" as well.

She has been saying "DaDa" for a while now, but we weren't positive she was actually saying the word - we thought it might just be the sound. But she often times looks at scott when we say it. And she said "MaMa" once the other night. i can't get her to do it again. but she definitely looks at me when we say it.

Everytime we try with mama, will comes up and yells, "It's not MaMa, IT'S MOMMY!!!" Also he told me the other day that he didn't want her saying mommy or daddy, and i asked him what he wanted her to say, and he said "Bubba". So he definitely wants that to be her first word.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

kaden does the same thing with momma if i call faydra that. "her name's not momma, it's mommy."