About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Will has been asking every day for about a month to go see icicles. There is a little cliff right around the corner from our house (within walking distance if i desired, which i don't) that i always knew would make the perfect icicles when it got cold enough. i was talking about it with scott on friday night and he said they were there that morning and were huge. So i nicely yelled at him for not calling us. so saturday morning he called as he drove by to tell us they were there again (or still there?). so we got dressed and went down. The kids had a blast. kirstine's mittens didn't work at all, so she played barehanded. will eventually took his gloves off as well. we brought some home with us, but they quickly broke. (i found kirstine in the basement with hers in pieces crying to me, "i broke it, i broke it" - so cute). we saved them and they are still in the fridge.

1 comment:

Maggy said...

Hey Girl I guess I am 5 weeks pregnant too, David was bugging you about not having a tv at home,well I guess we don't have one too!! LOL
Love and Take care