About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Will's Bday Party

We had a little party for Will at the park on Saturday afternoon. The plan was to just have a little playdate with his friends and we would have his real party in Tampa. He wanted another Monster Truck party, of course, so we were going to do that in Tampa. Well, it ended up being pretty similar to a real party. Some people even brought gifts. We had snacks and cupcakes. The kids started out playing on the playground, then they moved to the creek to throw rocks in. Then the rest of the time was spent playing on the tree. That is one of Kirstine and Will's favorite spots. And lastly we had snacks and presents. In attendance was Kaden, Blue, Kevin, Faydra, Uncle Bill, Rob, Keller (from Mission Friends at Brook Hills) and his dad, Jack (from Dawson's nursery while I'm in Bible Study) and his parents and sisters, and Robert (from our Sunday School class) and his dad.
Here are the 5 boys: Kaden, Will, Robert, Jack, and Keller

Will and Kirstine have nicknamed this girl "Chocolate Face Girl"

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