About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

So it seems that not much is going on right now. I haven't yet uploaded any of my Tampa pictures, and there weren't that many. I will do it soon.

Summer has officially begun. School got out last week for everyone here, which means nothing for us in that sense, but it does mean that all other programs and such have been cancelled for the summer. MOPS is over. Choir is over. Mission Friends is over (they had a little graduation ceremony and I got to sneak in and see Will get his certificate on stage. It was so cute. I was so proud at how well behaved he was throughout. And there was this cute little boy sitting next to him that was rubbing his head - weird but cute). Bible study is on a 2 week break. So that means we have NOTHING on our calendar. So weird to have nothing to do. Today we filled the time by playing in the sprinklers and then getting the watermelon out. Fun fun morning.

Scott has to work overnight tomorrow night and Sunday night, so that will make the weekend long and boring. but hopefully we'll get to go to the waterpark Saturday afternoon.

Next week Will has his first official VBS. Dawson Baptist Church has a special preschool VBS for those turning 4 by September. This is the only place he's old enough to attend, so YAY!!! (Since our church does backyard bible clubs, there's really no age limit, so he will come to the one our ss class teaches). And next week is our newsletter deadline, so hopefully I'll get lots of stuff in on time so I can get it done! then i have a week off and then back to Florida!!!! But most exciting is that it's with Scott for the first time!!!!!!! (he drove back up with us after Matt and Marissa's wedding, but this will be the first vacation totally together that we've had since we moved up here).

Other news??? The basement playroom is coming along slowly. We picked out paint, countertops, carpet, and tile tonight. All that's left to decide is the cabinets. And then eventually closet organizers and furniture if any. Hopefully it'll be done within 2 weeks???

I guess that's it. Pictures to come later.