About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

No pictures...

So here's the deal... Our home computer is at it's breaking point. It runs soooooo incredibly slow that I completely refuse to use it anymore. I don't know what to do to get it fixed. Usually our friend Sean does it. But what do you do when you don't know computer guys? Where are you supposed to take them? So what my plan has been for the past months is this... I load the camera onto my computer. Then save all pictures to my flash drive. Then I plug the flash drive into my work computer and blog from there. Here's the problem - I loaned my flash drive out and don't have it back yet. So until then I'm just not doing pictures. I think Scott has one so I'll look for it and hopefully that will work. But that's why I haven't even posted lately.

Information about our Tampa trips will come when i have pictures to show with.

As for what's going on with the James Family right now...

Kirstine is fully potty trained. She slept in panties for the first time last night and it was a success. She has been in panties during nap for a while, but in pullups at night to be safe. But after about 2 weeks of waking up dry, and then lately even going up to 3 hours in the morning before she will even pee, I made an executive decision last night to just let her stay in panties. I think we're good!

Kirstine LOVES to sing. That's all she does these days. Her favorite songs are Waves of Mercy (she does the hand motions sooo cute), the rock song that was our theme for our backyard bible clubs (and she does these motions so cute too), Jesus Loves Me, Old MacDonald, and The Sun is Hot.
She is the most friendly little thing I've ever met. She talks to everyone we see. And on some days (like today) Will is too. And he tells everyone EVERYTHING. His usual start to a conversation has something to do with him liking the Gators, and then he asks that person if they like the Gators too. Kirstine is also obsessed with toenail paint. She gets so excited when she sees women with their toes painted. "She has paint just like me!!!" We made friends at story time with the girl next to us this morning with that as our start.

Both kids are incredibly anxious for Benjamin's arrival. They love to kiss my belly. Kirstine loves to put her hands on it and then scream "He moved!!!" Usually he didn't move when she said that, but it's super cute. She hugged him one day and said, "Hi, Benjamin. Nice to meet you!" Did I mention before that when I told Will that Aunt Faydra was going to have a baby (the day she went into labor) he cried for 30 minutes. Because it wasn't fair because he wanted our baby to come out and not hers. It was very cute.

Basement Update:
Almost done. We are done rolling, I just have to do all the trimming. The carpet is in we just have to schedule them to install it. And then there are just a few small details that need to be done (like putting the light and outlet plate covers on, puttying the holes in the baseboard and then I have to touch up that paint, handles on the cabinets...). Then comes the fun of decorating, putting shelves in the closet, and moving all the toys in! That closet part is most important since that is what is holding us up with fixing Will's room to make space for Benjamin's clothes. (We need his toys out of the closet so we can add organizers there to fit more clothes).

4th of July plans? Tonight is free swimming and some festival thing up the road. Tomorrow Scott gets off around noonish so hopefully we will go to Alabama Adventures. No plans yet for Saturday morning. In the evening we are going to a friend's house for a cookout. They live a block away from downtown Homewood, so we will then walk up the hill to watch the fireworks. Very interested to see how this goes. Last time we saw fireworks Will loved them inside the van, but K hated them everywhere.

Oh, and Benjamin news? I've got 6 weeks to go. My belly is huge, or so I think. I'm 1 cm already, but that's normal. They've got me going in for weekly visits already. Contractions have mostly stopped, thank goodness! I still have them occasionally, but they're not painful and they don't last. We're just waiting on the basement to get done so we can get the rest of our preparations moving.

1 comment:

Teresa Stratton said...

I talk with you every day but I still love to read the updates b/c I still love to hear everything you guys are doing.