About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Benjamin News

This post is more for future memory of my pregnancy than for your information.
Last week I had an appt. at 9am on Monday morning. I didn't want to ask Aunt Janet to keep the kids since they had just gotten back from vacation. So they, in their double stroller, went with me. I took a caprisun and a snack for them and let them have it as soon as I got back into the room.
This visit was preceded by a very contraction filled week, one night being so bad and painful that i finally took a pill for it. Needless to say, we weren't that surprised when I was dilated more than I should be. My OB was a little worried so she wanted to have me monitored. If I had been by myself I would just have stayed in the office and gone to a different room to sit on the monitor. But since I had both kids we decided it would be better to go downstairs to the hospital to hang out in triage. That way I'd be in a big room with a tv so the kids could watch cartoons. (My OB office is 2 floors above the hospital). After being on the monitor for an hour I had to get a urinalysis which came back saying I was dehydrated. So then I had to stay another hour drinking lots of water so I could take the test again. Eventually Scott was able to get off work to come take the kids home (around 12:45), and I left at 1:45. Scott then ordered me on bedrest for the week. I only minded when there were times that I had stuff I really needed to get done. But for the most part I had a very nice, lazy week in bed and laying on the couch watching movies. Scott prepared lunches for the kids that Will could get out of the fridge by himself, and the kids did a great job of playing upstairs and in the new playroom and letting me be lazy. It was nice that it happened on a week where I had NOTHING on the calendar. Also during this time I took a contraction-stopping pill every time I felt a contraction (usually only in the evenings).

My appt this week was Tuesday afternoon, and probably thanks to the no contractions and the nice restful week, I was a little more closed and am totally fine. No bed rest needed. And I can do whatever I want now. I will be 36 weeks tomorrow. Now the fun baby preparations can begin.

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