About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Incident

I have been asked to explain what happened this weekend, so here I go.

Friday evening we went over to a friend's house to have a pool party for our care group. 3 couples, 5 children. The kids played on the playground, we ate (pizza, chips, salad, watermelon, brownies and ice cream), and then we swam. Well that's the order most of us went in. Will swam and swam and then eventually got out of the pool to eat maybe 3 bites of pizza and then went back in the pool. He was having a BLAST because they had a diving board.

After all the food was cleaned up I joined the kids in the pool. This pool has a long step just like our pool did at our blue house in Tampa. So I was sitting on that step with Kirstine next to me on my right. She was playing with a watering can, most of the time watering my head. The other dads were to my left and we were talking. Scott was in the deep end with Will. Next thing I know I look over and Kirstine is underwater. I thought nothing of it at first and grabbed her to pull her up. But the second she was in my arms she threw up all over me. I yelled at Scott who swam faster than I have ever seen him swim in my life. He took her and did I don't know what. Some back thrusts and other stuff. She threw up more. He yelled for us to call 911. We did. Don't remember much after that. Was hyperventilating a whole lot. By the time the ambulance arrived she was done throwing up and was seeming okay (except for the nonstop crying upset thing). They checked her out but said we definitely had to go to the ER for more exams. So Kirstine and I rode in the ambulance, while Will and Scott followed us.

I layed on the stretcher strapped down in the back and she layed on my chest holding me. She cried the whole time. She was still in her swimsuit and I had a big towel laid over her. The guy in the back with us gave her a little stuffed bear dressed like Ronald McDonald and a little beanie baby horse. They are her new favorite toys (Horsie and Ronald Bear).

In the ER they did lots of poking and prodding and listening to her lungs. They tried to get blood from one of her arteries (I think?) but were not having any success. They did her right hand for like 5 minutes, then her left hand for like 5 minutes, and then back to her right hand. They eventually got it. She did not like that at all. They took an x-ray and ran an IV into one of her hands.

Uncle Bill, Aunt Janet, and Rob came up and got Will for us. So he had a WONDERFUL night camping out at their house and sleeping in Big Will's bed.

At around 11:30 Scott took Kirstine to the bathroom, and when they got back she was a whole new Kirstine, the normal one. The first sign of normality that I saw was when Scott was standing up holding her and they were talking about her 2 stuffed animals. Scott said something about the teddy bear being dressed up like Ronald McDonald, and she laughed and said "That's silly!". From there on she was the most social little thing. Asking everyone what their name was, showing everyone her earrings and toenail polish, doing the things that Kirstine normally does. It was a very comforting moment, because it was then that we knew all would be well.

They admitted us into the hospital and we got to our room at about midnight. Scott left shortly after to go home and get some stuff. They brought in pillows for Kirstine and hooked up her IV at around 1:15. So that's when she went to sleep. She asked me to sleep with her, and the nurse said it was totally fine, so I climbed up into that hospital crib and cuddled with her til I couldn't physically lay like that anymore. It was pretty tight in there with Benjamin in the middle of us. Scott got back around 2am and I left shortly after. (There was only 1 "bed" and there was no way in the world I could even sit on that remotely comfortable for more than 10 minutes, much less try to sleep on it, so I went home to sleep). Scott let me sleep late and didn't call to wake me up til about 9am. I got dressed super quick and went to Party City to get her balloons and a party bag. By the time I got there they were coming in to start unhooking everything from her.

So that's it. Our terror story of the weekend. Praise God that both Kirstine and Benjamin made it safely through the weekend. I had NO contractions during all of that, which is very odd for me. (I did have some once I got home from the hospital in the middle of the night, but none while any of it was happening).

Kirstine saw a picture of a kid in a swimming pool Saturday morning while she and Scott were hanging out at the hospital, and she got excited and wanted to go swimming again. Yesterday Scott asked her if she rememebered what happened and she said, "I went under water. And then I got mommy." She also said that she had fun at the hospital and wants to go back. Scott said when any of the nurses or doctors would leave her room Saturday morning she kept asking where her friends went. So cute.

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