About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Monday, September 7, 2009

4 Weeks

Benjamin is 4 weeks old today!
The first 3 weeks of his life were pretty boring, as his brother and sister were in Tampa with their grandparents. But it's been anything but that since they came home! Will and Kirstine are both crazy in love with him, and don't leave him alone for a second. I'd probably say about half of their time-outs now are because they won't leave him a lone when we ask them to. The disobedience is not good, however it's still really cute that they love him that much.

Right now he's sleeping decently. He definitely had his days and nights mixed up for a few weeks, but the last few nights he's done pretty well.

So how does he measure up to Will and Kirstine? I don't remember too much about them as babies, which is probably why I keep having more. One thing I do remember: Will slept great the majority of the time, but when he woke up at night he was very hard to get back to sleep - and screamed a lot! Kirstine also slept pretty well for the most part, but a lot of times only on us. She'd fall asleep at the bottle, and then we'd go lay her down and she'd scream the second she touched the bed. So she slept on my chest lots of nights. Benjamin is incredibly happy when he wakes up in the middle of the night, and never screams. He just doesn't want to go back to bed. So it's good in the sense that he doesn't wake the other parent up, but whoever is up with him at the time has to stay up for a while. The last few nights have gone like this: he wakes up, I nurse him for 30 - 40 minutes, I give him 1 - 2 ounces of supplement, he falls asleep and I put him down, he starts whining 5 minutes later, I make Scott get up with him, Scott rocks the bassinet until he falls asleep, he wakes up 2 - 3 hours later.

Outings so far: None where there are crowds. He has been through the McDonald's drive-thru a few times, he takes Will and Kirstine to school with me (stays in his carrier in the stroller), we took him to the Aldridge Botanical Gardens the other night (stayed in his stroller), and went to church last night. There is overflow seating behind our sanctuary with screens to see the pastor. There was only one other couple back there. Right in front of that is the Nursing Room. So we spent the first 45 minutes of the service in there. This would not be practical at a standard church, since the service would basically be over, but since our service lasts over an hour and a half, we only missed about 1/4 of the sermon.

He makes adorable faces.

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