About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Will and Kirstine both started preschool last week. Will goes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings, and Kirstine goes Wednesday mornings only. (from 9am - 1 pm). Both of them did great. Will didn't cry at all (he usually cries when we leave him most places - just a weird phase he's been going through lately). His teacher said he did great and fit in great with the other kids. He's the only kid in his class that doesn't know anyone. Everyone else either goes to that church or has been in school there before. So he's the odd ball. But she said he didn't act that way, and the other kids treated him like he belonged. She also told me what a great colorer he was (it's true, he's pretty fabulous). No pictures. I thought about taking a picture on the first day, but really, it's just preschool. We'll definitely get first day pictures next year.

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