About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby Decisions

When Scott and I found out we were pregnant this time, we kind of both decided that we wanted to let the sex of this baby be a secret. For a lot of reasons, but mainly because we thought that since there was nothing else exciting going on (we didn't need to decorate a nursery, or buy clothes or any other baby items) we thought that not knowing would make it more exciting. Well, the truth is, it's much much worse. I'm definitely not agonizing over wanting to know what my baby is right this second like i was with both pregnancies, however it's still just different. Since we don't have all that other stuff to do, the baby almost gets ignored. Our life is so consumed by Will and Kirstine, it's just hard to sit around and get really excited about another baby coming. And slowly Scott and I have been thinking that maybe we do want to find out the sex. There are a lot of little things. We're a little tired of calling it an it. Some times Will calls it a boy, some times he calls it a girl. He changes his mind everyday about what he thinks it is. Yesterday in sunday school they prayed for another pregnant girl in our class and for "Noah" and it made me so jealous that she already knows her baby's name. I want to know my baby's name. I want to start getting to know it now. I feel like as long as you don't know the sex (and this is just for me) it's hard to really know the baby. But as soon as it has a name, there's just this huge connection that you get to form before the baby ever comes out. There is a baby inside me, and I want to meet him or her right now! I don't want to wait until it's in my arms physically. Another thing I realized recently: I had this great vision of being at the hospital and we deliver the baby, and Scott comes out into the waiting room and says, "It's a blank!" And everyone's excited. Then I realized that we don't live in Tampa anymore. Chances are there will be no one at the hospital but me and Scott. One of our mothers will come, but they'll probably be at home with Will and Kirstine at the time. So nix on that idea! For a while I was thinking that we'd have the doctor put it in an envelope for us, and as we get closer to the due date we'd find out (like maybe around 30 weeks). But now that just seems silly. If we're going to have a sonogram next week (April 2nd) and get it recorded on dvd (they are so high tech these days!) why should we not enjoy the sex identification at the same time?
So anyways, we are going to find out the sex of the baby at our sonogram next week. My appointment is Thursday, April 2nd at 10am. I will be 20 weeks and 6 days.


Jaime James said...

You were right the first time, it's Bethan with an A.

Marissa said...

Yay! I'm very selfishly excited. Love you, love, me.

Anonymous said...

yay! i'm so glad you're finding out! can't wait to hear!