About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Preps for Thanksgiving Day.

Did I ever mention what our Thanksgiving was supposed to be and what it ended up to be?
Plans: Scott worked til about noon, then we would decorate for Christmas all day, eating lots of appetizers and christmas goodies and watching Christmas movies all day.
Instead:Will woke up at about 4am screaming. I went upstairs to check on him and he was sitting in the middle of the hallway complaining about it being so dark he couldn't find his way back to his bed. What?!? How many times has this kid made this trek in the middle of the night? My only thought is that he was asleep when he did it, and that's why he was freaking out. Anyway, I helped him back to bed and then realized I was sick. Scott got the kids up in the morning and got their milk and breakfast, and when he had to leave for work I came and layed on the couch and we watched the parade all morning. I didn't move. When Scott got home around 1 I went back to bed and didn't wake up til 4:30. I tried to help Scott decorate as much as possible, but I felt miserable. Most of the time I sat on the floor handing him stuff. So after all that cooking I did, and money I spent, I ate cheese and crackers on Thanksgiving and that's it! I woke up perfect on Friday.

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