About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Travels Home

Went well. We got here in 10 hours and 15 minutes. new record with the kids. We made: 2 drive-thru food stops, 2 pee rest stops, 1 gas stop, 2 stops on the side of the road (1 to pee, 1 to put kirstine back in her straps since she kind of squirmed her arms through the top hole), and 2 really quick pull throughs some place just to grab something that fell on the floor, or to pour some more apple juice.

cute sayings this trip:
at least 100 times: will: mom, i love you.
me: i love you, too, baby.
kirstine: i wuv you
me: i love you, too, honey.

and throw in an occasional "mom, you're so beautiful"

I'm asking him his chatechism (is that how you spell that?) questions. (by the way, he usually answers all of these perfectly)

Who made you? "God."
What else did God make? "The whole earth" (real answer is 'everything'). i'll take it.
What did He make "the whole earth" from? Sin. (AAH. Wrong answer. it's supposed to be 'nothing', so I correct him.)
Why did He make all things? (supposed to be 'for His glory'). He says, "because He's sooooo powerful." (I'll take it:) )

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