About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kirstine's Party

Went great. It was nice, simple, stress-free, and not as lonely as i'd imagined. we had Gran, Papa, Uncle Bill, Aunt Janet, Will, Rob, Mama Jean, and neigbors Ava and her dad, Jason. We ate Little Caesar's and other snacks, opened presents, blew out the make believe candles since i forgot to buy real ones, cut the cake, and pulled out the bouncy in the back yard for the kids to bounce. All in all, it was a successful party. Kirstine got tons of Tinkerbell stuff and adored every bit of it. She got a set of Tinkerbell dishes from us, and an awesome kitchen from Gran and Papa, and her and Will are having a BLAST playing with it. We took pictures and will get them up here soon. But our computer is on the fritz right now, and our keyboard and mouse are locked up, so I need to fix them (I'm on my work computer right now).

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