About Me

A mom of 4, I blog very rarely, and use this mostly for future memory of when I forgot to capture these events in a baby book somewhere.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Responses to throwing up

So what have my kids' responses to my throwing up been thus far?
The first time Will heard me doing it he was playing in the basement. He ran upstairs and pulled a stool up next me (I was doing it in the kitchen sink), and pretended to throw up in the sink next to me. He thought it was pretty awesome.
Kirstine didn't exactly react the same way. The other day I was getting her out of bed after nap. I had been nauseous all day, and for some reason doing the stairs makes it worse. So as soon as I got her up I felt it coming. I tried to send her down the stairs real quick, while promising her that daddy had her apple juice on the couch. I ran into the kids' bathroom and started throwing up in the toilet. Kirstine stayed put right at the doorway, and started screaming and hyperventilating. She laid down in a fetal position on her blanket and just bawled. And every time I threw up more she started screaming more. I kept trying to tell her to go downstairs, but she didn't listen. Once I was done (and had brushed my teeth) I scooped her up and carried her downstairs. I kept trying to reassure her that I was fine, but she was pretty upset and clingy to me for about an hour. It was so sad and pathetic and I felt so horrible just watching her, but there was nothing I could do. It was also really sweet, though.

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